
I set up some space on the songs page to download Thing a Week songs and get lyrics. Don’t forget to give me money!

Thing a Week 7 – Brand New Sucker

My friend Brett tells me that last week’s thing was good because it was angry, and that I should be angry more often. Fine! This week’s thing is an angry breakup song! It was written a few years ago, but I somehow lost the recording. Honestly, it wasn’t that good an arrangement so nobody cared, I like this one much better. And the last verse needed to be rewritten anyway, somehow the first time around I missed the opportunity to do the “somebody, nobody, everybody” structure, which I find very satisfying.

Here is the song: Brand New Sucker

Hodgman book tour news: John and I will be at Quimby’s in Chicago on Wednesday November 2 at 7 PM. Then on Friday November 4 at 7:30 PM we’ll do a Little Gray Books lecture about Brookline, John’s hometown, at the Coolidge Corner Theater in Brookline MA.

Hey! Canada!

Just a heads up to my so-called friends up North – I’ll be interviewed on CJAD 800 AM tonight at 9 PM EST by Peter Anthony Holder. I suspect there will be some discussion of Baby Got Back. Also, John Hodgman and I will be appearing at the Chelsea Barnes and Noble tonight at 7 PM. He will speak of lobsters. I will try not to forget the lyrics to the song that I have not quite finished, even now. Should be fantastic!

My Boing Boing Buddy

That’s not what it sounds like. My pal John Hodgman’s list of 700 hobo names has been boing boinged just in time, as his book is for sale starting today. Not to bore you because I know I’ve mentioned this here before, but it’s called The Areas of My Expertise and it will break your brain. I am currently writing a song about lobsters to complement a reading from this book – the old furry kind of lobster, which you may not be that familiar with.