West Coast Trip

In a couple minutes I leave for the airport – San Francisco, LA and Seattle. Many John Hodgman engagements coming up, check Areas of My Expertise for details. Most notably, John will be appearing on the Daily Show (!) on Wednesday night. I will be cooling my heels in LA then, perhaps wandering around in the desert, or doing a speedball or two at the Viper Room. See you there!

Thing a Week 9 – The Town Crotch

Last week was so computery, I wanted a little palette cleanser this week, so you’re getting a nice simple all-acoustic number. This song is based on a memory I wish I had – none of this actually happened, but it is cobbled together from the many tiny bits of kindness and desperation and longing that come with growing up in a small town. I was always into older women in high school, and there was a time when they all seemed so tall and big and wonderful – especially the dangerous ones. The ones who were “built for speed” and who maybe had a certain reputation, but really they were just fun to hang around with. And if you were a skinny freshman in a social situation that was way over your head, they would take care of you, and drive you home in their dark, fast, dangerous cars.

I give you: The Town Crotch

And not to ruin a nice moment with something crass, but if you enjoy Thing a Week, you should feel free to donate whatever you think it’s worth so far to me through Amazon or Paypal. I will not object.

Podcast Ho!

Our “podcast” is posted here on the PopSci site (for now, on the front page, under the picture of the yellow indy car): Best of What’s New 2005. Listen if you dare.

PopSci Podcast

John Hodgman and I are just this moment working on a podcast for Popular Science from the Best of What’s New show at Grand Central Station – technology innovations, shiny things, robot mops, etc. This will be posted tomorrow AM on the PopSci site, so check it out. There is a small theme song by yours truly.

In the meantime, here is a video of girls with pork chops on their heads and a lizard who terrifies them: Meat Hats (via BoingBoing). God bless you Japan.