Thing a Week 16 – You Could Be Her

The three or four of you who remember when I used to play in a band called Supergroup will perhaps remember this song. We played it a few times but it somehow never got recorded, so here is an acoustic demo. I had big dreams of loud guitars but in the end had to settle for a drum loop and some hand claps (which I am loving by the way, from now on they’re going to be all over the place). You will note there is no solo – contest anyone? Was that fun? I had fun. Anyway, sorry if you are a person who actually does run a pretzel shop at a mall somewhere, I’m sure it’s really great and probably not as tragic and awful as this guy thinks it is.

The song: You Could Be Her

Video News

Not really safe for work, unless you work at Penthouse, but here’s a video of many butts set to my version of Baby Got Back sent by Kevin Gray: Filthy Butt Video. Kevin was concerned that it might bother me that he did this without my permission – it did not. Allow me to take this opportunity to talk about Creative Commons AGAIN: the CC license on the songs page means all the songs are pre-approved for non-commercial use in videos, mashups, remixes and whatever else you can dream up (provided you release the new thing under the same kind of Creative Commons license). It’s really a good thing – it means that Kevin gets to follow his muse without talking to a lawyer, and I get that many more earballs from people who like to look at butts. And the world, she goes round and round…

Item the second: the Flickr video is now on google video: right here.

And finally, I must say it’s a shame this video wasn’t made, because I’m digging the drawing of me in a striped muumuu: Podsafe Christmas Song Video.

I’m off to Vegas in a couple of hours, John Hodgman and I will be podcasting from CES on Friday. If you’re out there, look for me: I’ll be the one in the striped muumuu.

Flickr Audio Only

By request, here’s a link to just the audio from the Flickr video. I don’t know if it really works on its own, but you should have it anyway: Flickr Audio

Coverville Countdown

For those of you not already hipped to its charms, Coverville is a podcast that plays lots of cover songs – probably lots of great ones you’ve never heard before. They’re currently doing a countdown of the best covers played in 2005, and Baby Got Back is #2. It was an honor just to be played on Coverville, let alone to be up near the top of the countdown, nestled between William Shatner/Ben Folds’s “Common People” and Johnny Cash’s “Hurt.” I am not worthy. But Coverville is – give it a listen.