Joan and Jane and Joan
Derek sends me these links, thus demonstrating that there is some kind of creepy resonance thing happening with sisters named Joan and Jane – of course you remember Thing a Week 8. Gotta love Google (unless you are Chinese).
Starting with the obvious
which included the appropriate button
Then there was the painterly representation
The Story of Jane and Joan, 2001 (Oil on panel, 6 x 8 inches)
The mathematical representation
“Extra Credit What interest rate yields equal amounts of money for Joan and Jane at the end of their 65th year? Explain how you got your answer.”
The cosmetic representation
“Jane and Joan Kochan have spent their whole life together.”
And finally, the posthumous representation
“Jane and Joan dressed alike up until the twelfth grade.”
Thing a Week 18 – Dance, Soterios Johnson, Dance
It was time for this song to get the full treatment and rise up from its obscure position on the Songs page. For those of you who don’t know, Soterios Johnson is the morning anchor on the NPR station here in New York, WNYC. He may or may not have a secret life of dance, but he’s got a pretty sweet radio voice. Thanks SoJo…
Dance, Soterios Johnson, Dance
Note: currently the mp3’s screwy and cuts off before the end. I will fix it soon…
More Note: now fixed. Sorry for the trouble (you get what you pay for I guess).
More Fun with Flickr
From Waxy, here’s this strangely addictive game of “guess the keyword” called Fastr. I can’t stop playing.
This week’s thing coming soon…
Don’t Do It!
Artist Tom Judd has just started a project called Once a Week (via BoingBoing). Kind of interesting: he’s going to produce a page of art once a week for a year, and he’ll auction each one off on ebay. In addition, he’s selling 3cm spaces for £50 to advertisers – he will actually put your image on a sticker that he will stick onto the artwork, thus ruining it for posterity, and for the potential ebay buyer. It’s like Million Dollar Homepage, but with art. And maybe without the million dollars.