JoCo Speaks
Will someone shut me up please? Did an interview on the TheyNow podcast, a podcast about They Might Be Giants. We talk about, well, me. And some other stuff. I’m a big fan of their music, and as many have noted, they’re a big influence on me. I have met them a couple times, but they probably don’t remember me, or if they do, only as that creepy guy who was hanging around backstage that time. They know John Hodgman because he appears as the eccentric millionaire on their website. But everyone knows John Hodgman…
Thing a Week 22 – Take Care of Me
Sometimes you wake up grumpy, that’s all. I like this one – you can see that I’ve become addicted to hand claps in the chorus, as well as the combination bridge/solo move (that way you don’t have to write bridge lyrics!). I should point out that the solo is actually played by me on an actual accordion. That thing is a bitch.
Sinus Trouble
Mike Kelley: math lover, sinusitis sufferer. Mike has had a sinus infection for three months and just got a CT scan to figure out what’s wrong. It’s going to be a while before he gets the results from the doctor, so he’s posted it to google video so that the internets will diagnose it for him. The soundtrack to this video may sound familiar to you…
For those of you who noticed, sorry I screwed up the Thing a Week feed last night, it should be back online now.
Online Store
I’ve finally got around to at least giving you the option of buying some music from me if you want – the online store is up and running (under the Songs link above). I expect there to be plenty of broken links and weirdness, so please let me know if there’s something that looks wrong. A couple of points:
Before you freak out, there is still plenty of free stuff – don’t worry, I’m still mostly an idiot. Most of the songs that were freebies on the old page are still freebies, and if you subscribe to Thing a Week, or even if you just dig around in previous posts, you can get all that stuff for free. There are also a number of ways to get free songs that are not supposed to be free. I’m not going to worry about it. Of course I’d prefer to be paid for everything, but I recognize that there’s value in just getting the music out there.
You can buy individual songs or whole albums, some of which don’t actually exist in CD form. They are full-on virtual albums! This is the future man. Songs are plain old mp3s and albums are zip files containing mp3s. I intend to get some other formats up there too, probably FLAC and Ogg Vorbis.
The store is built using Payloadz, and payment is handled by Paypal. You can use a Paypal account or a credit card. Each song is also streamable on the site, so you can listen to everything before you buy.
Not everything is in there yet. I need to get the old Other Experiments and Little Gray Books sections posted, and I’ve had many requests to put all the old acoustic demos up there. Maybe I’ll even create a box set of EVERYTHING.
So there you are. Let me know what’s broken…