My Hobo

The 500 Hoboes Project continues, albeit slowly. Len over at Jawbone drew this image of Hobo #577, Jonathan Crouton. As you can see, Mr. Crouton is beloved by furry lobsters everywhere.

Also, this blog is making me giggle. But what is it?

Thing a Week 24 – Don’t Talk to Strangers

Yes: the Rick Springfield song. This recording is based on an arrangement I once did live at Little Gray Books with my friend Phoebe. I heard a recording of it recently and my voice sounded terrible, but I liked the arrangement a lot so I thought I’d flesh it out a little more and give it to you nice people.

Don’t Talk to Strangers

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Furry Lobster Survives

Oh, come on! Are you kidding me?! Apparently some divers found an actual furry furry lobster in the South Pacific. It is white, blind and covered with hair (just like Ronnie Milsap). If we wait long enough, everything in Hodgman’s book will become true. Thanks to everyone who sent this in.

If you don’t see why I think this is a big story, then you haven’t heard this: Furry Old Lobster

Site Updates

Since everyone’s crazy for acoustic versions of things, I’ve put a bunch up along with what was in the old “Other Experiments” section as part of a new virtual album. As usual, every song is streamable and buyable, with a few freebies in there because I love you. Just scroll to the bottom of the Songs page.

I’ve also done a little reorganizing – there’s a section on the right called “The Good Stuff” that lets you get quickly to Baby Got Back, Flickr and info about Thing a Week. If you want to point some friends to any of that stuff you can point them there. And the Flickr page now has a few different file options, including one that’s good for iPod videos.

On a slightly technical note, I’m experimenting with some mod_rewrite stuff that lets me redirect some mp3 requests to actual pages. I like being linked, but when it’s a direct link to the mp3 there’s no guarantee that the listener will ever see my site – you see, I want people to see my site so that they can at least have the option of buying some music from me. I’m trying to do it without breaking anything, but if you have trouble with a link or a stream that used to work and that is now broken, please let me know.