Gig Reminder

This is for those of you who read me through RSS and never see the beautiful box of gigs I spent several minutes constructing, which now sits at the top of my main page. I’m playing this Sunday at Mo Pitkin’s in NYC at 7 PM along with musical comedy duo Paul and Storm. I’m on first, which means I’ll be starting my mind-blowing 45 minute acoustic set pretty close to 7. The cost to you: $12. If you ever want me to play live again, you should be sure and come out to prove I have an audience. That’s not a real threat – I’m only kidding! I’ll play again even if nobody shows. Still.

Yam Yam Yam

I will not stop talking, so don’t even ask. Did another interview with the baddest mofo in podcasting, Dave Slusher on his Evil Genius Chronicles podcast. We talk about my ratio of $ to downloads, my creative process, stuff about me, and oh yes, I say a thing or two about me. Also: me me me. If you STILL haven’t had enough, give it a listen.

And here’s a 35-minute demo of the Greatest Game Ever Created: Spore. This is from Will Wright, the creator of Sim City and The Sims, so he’s got a little street cred. He describes it as “sim everything” and it’s just dripping with possibilities. How much you want to bet I won’t be able to play it on my Mac?


If you’ve been having trouble accessing this site it’s because I let my domain name expire. Rookie mistake! Classic situation: expired credit card, failed renewal, long-dead admin email so nobody knows it happened until it’s too late. From what the billing department tells me we should be back online sometime in the next 24 hours as the DNS information propagates throughout the interwebs. If anyone has tried to send me a million dollars, offer me a lucrative record deal, or employ me as contributing troubadour in the last couple of days and I haven’t responded, it’s not because I’m not interested in your proposal. And those of you who wanted to hire me as a webmaster may want to rethink your position.

Thanks to Hugh, Eric and everyone else who tipped me off to the problem. Onward.

Juggler Fight!

A couple of weeks ago I ran across this video of Chris Bliss juggling to Golden Slumbers by The Beatles, and like everyone else I thought it was pretty cool. Rather, almost everyone. Juggler Jason Garfield thinks it was crap, and anyway Chris Bliss looks like Leslie Neilson. He’s posted a long angry response as well as a video of him doing a 5-ball routine to the same song. Suck it Bliss!