I Spell It M-A-N
According to the New York Times, the beard may be making a comeback. Maybe it’s a reaction to the boyish, hairless, metrosexual look that’s been in vogue for so long, or maybe it’s just that beards are AWESOME. But I got news for you, so called New York Times: some of us have been “rough and manly” since way before the turn of the century, just waiting for all you smooth hairless fellows to get off your high, clean-shaven horses. Wake up and smell the whiskers, bitches…
Mandelbrot Video
Now this is awesome – I just got a very sweet letter from a 10th grade class in Minnesota who made a video for Mandelbrot Set. They’re from Sobriety High, a sober school for kids who have gone through chemical dependency treatment and want to finish up high school in a place without the standard high school temptations. They researched fractals and Benoit, drew pictures, took photos and put the whole thing together just to make me cry like a little baby. The project is detailed on their website. It makes me very happy.
Too Much Coulton
Another interview on the Slice of Sci-Fi podcast if you’re into that sort of thing – thanks guys! And if you’re really looking for an overdose of Coulton, you can listen to Mark Forman’s latest Getting a Legup Podcast which sounds like the inside of my head when I’m having a dream about dreaming about myself. It’s like having a heaping Coulton sampler plate scraped into your mouth.
And because a friend of mine was complaining that this isn’t really that much of a “blog” because it’s really just news about me and copyright issues, I will balance the above news about me with a link to something that you will find really interesting.
About Last Night
What a fun show that was. Thanks to everyone who came out and laughed loudly at all the right times – you were a great audience. One of these days I really have to start making one of these “mailing lists” that everyone’s talking about. And thanks to Paul and Storm for booking the gig, singing backup and sharing the stage. If you’re keeping track you’ll know that I’ll next be at the Ritalin Readings on March 28 at Mo Pitkin’s again – only for one song, so don’t get all dressed up.
Now: when I was doing Flickr and I got to the Pies Here photo, there was a particularly pointed cheer from someone out there in the darkness. Perhaps a pie lover? Perhaps the maker of that photo? Color me intrigued – who were you mysterious cheering person?