Only recently did I think of setting up a way to buy a subscription to Thing a Week. You can get it as a podcast whether you have a subscription or not, but if you prefer to pay for your music, Paypal would be happy to transfer a dollar a week from you to me for as long as this crazy ride lasts. For those of you kind enough to buy the song every week, this is a nice shortcut. Details are here.
Or else my room is bugged
First I find out my beard is in vogue again, and now the NY Times says zombies are back too. Do I have good timing or what?
Of course you remember the 700 Hoboes Project, in which a band of illustrators are attempting to draw all 700 of John Hodgman’s hobo names. There’s now an official website. 208 and counting…
Thing a Week 26 – Re Your Brains
If Hollywood has taught us anything, it’s that being trapped in a mall surrounded by a million zombies would be really troublesome. But how much more annoying would it be if the head zombie used to be your co-worker, and he was kind of a prick even before he got infected? And now he’s right outside and he just keeps talking and talking – still the same jackass, only now he wants to eat your brains?
Also, for those of you who only see this feed, I should alert you that there is now an option to purchase a subsc ription for Thing a Week if you like. Click here for details: http://www.jonathancoulton.com/subscription
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