Mailing List! Forums!
The elves here in the JoCo workshop have been busy. Couple of new features for you:
Mailing List – yes, I finally got around to it. I’m using the built-in mailing list that comes with my Hostbaby hosting account, which lets me search by city and state and target email those people. I will not spam you all the time, you can subscribe to the blog if you want general JoCo news. I’ll use the email list only for gigs in your area and big announcements (like new CDs or Tonight Show bookings). There’s a link over there in the sidebar – sign up wouldja?
Forums – say what? Aw yeah. Sweet, sweet forums. Link is in the sidebar. I’m using Lussumo Vanilla because it’s free, easy to install, looks good, and comes with a user role called “douchebag” out of the box (so don’t act like a douchebag because I will tag you that way if you do). You’ll have to register to post. I hate to add another registration layer, but I don’t want a bunch of spam in there, and I’m not sure if I can change the functionality even if I wanted to. It would be nice if the blog comment registration, email list and forum registration were all integrated wouldn’t it? Maybe someday…
Thing a Week 27 – Madelaine
New recording of an old song – this is another one from the Supergroup set list. I’ve always liked this one, but couldn’t listen to the 4-track cassette, midi drums version anymore. I was working on something else for a while this week but then decided not to use it, long story I’ll get to later when it’s not so late. For now I give you:
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Coming to Your Town
A few people have asked me if I have any plans to play in their area. No matter where you live, the answer is probably no. Not because I don’t care about you, not because I want to keep an air of mystery, not because I was horribly disfigured by a chemical accident that made me into a hideous monster with superpowers. Here is why: I am lazy, that’s one problem. The other problem is that I live in NY and not anywhere else. So when somebody says “Hey JoCo, you should come play in Orlando,” I don’t have any way of knowing if I’m going to go to the trouble of setting up a gig and flying to Orlando only to find that it’s really just that one guy who’s interested in seeing me play. Sure, it would be fun for that guy, but it would be kind of a drag for me.
So here’s an idea: I just ran across this site called Eventful that lets you create events that don’t exist yet, and allow other people to demonstrate their desire for that event to take place by “demanding it.” I am not explaining this well at all, it’s really very simple and will make complete sense if you click on that pretty blue box over to the right. The signup process (I know, another one?) seems to be minimally invasive, and I think it might be an interesting addition to our little experiment in making me famous. It might also be embarrassing when we find that it really is only the one guy in Orlando…
Nother Gig Reminder
Tomorrow night at 8:30 I’ll be doing one song at Ritalin Readings at Mo Pitkin’s in NYC. Which crowd-pleasing music video will I perform do you think?