OMG Squee

OK, I get it. Everyone loves cute monkeys. Everyone wants a shirt with a cute monkey on it. Frankly I think Len may be a little tired of drawing for me, especially when it comes to monkeys. So here’s what we’re going to do: cute monkey contest! If you want a cute monkey shirt, then design a cute monkey shirt and send me the image. By doing so you agree to let me put it on merchandise that I will sell back to you at CafePress without giving you a dime. Sounds like a great deal doesn’t it? Well, that’s business baby. That’s the business of cute monkeys on shirts. I created a space in the forums where you can post your very adorable monkey images. You have until one week from today to submit, then we will all vote.


I’m sorry for bringing this up again, and no offense to the people who use it, but can we please start the MySpace backlash now? Can we do the thing where some new thing comes along and everybody decides that it’s cooler and better and moves over to it? I keep my profile there only because everybody tells me it’s important to have a profile there, but man, I am this close to ditching it. This is the year 2006, there’s no reason you should have to get a cup of coffee while you’re waiting for some bullshit ad to load so you can see your freaking email.

And if it’s such a great tool for musicians, why the hell can’t I email all my “friends” who live in NYC to tell them when I’m playing? And sweet Jesus, can you guys buy some more servers or something? We’re dying out here. I know, you’re growing very fast, I don’t care. Get. It. Together. Hopefully now that News Corp owns it, a bunch of clueless executives will start squeezing money out of it until the whole thing goes to hell.

Code Monkey Merch

Take that you filthy thieves. Len has done up some fine code monkey images, which I have labored to place onto t-shirts, polos, mugs and mouse pads (plus: thongs for the ladies!) so that you can buy them and not feel guilty for giving your money to those other bastards. Find them in my CafePress store, and tell all your friends and blog readershipses’s. Let me know if someone wants an item that’s not there and I’ll add it. Thanks Len!

In the Future, I’m Aretha Franklin

Well, I’ve made it to the top. It feels great up here, I can just barely see all you people and you look like tiny insignificant ants. Over at 365 Tomorrows they write a short speculative fiction (we used to call it sci-fi) piece every day. Yesterday, the first of May even, I was honored by a mention. They put me next to Elvis and Aretha Franklin as an example of the kind of HUGE recording stars we used to have in the past before the music industry smashed into a million pieces and the best you could do was make enough to cover rent and food and electronic pants, or whatever they have for pants in the future. I hope it’s electronic pants.

Thanks to everyone who sent this in.