Thumbs Up from George

I just got word from the people at that I have won the George Plimpton song writing contest (with “A Talk with George”). Huzzah! They are an organization dedicated to getting a statue of GP erected somewhere in Manhattan, a worthy goal if ever there was one. I can’t imagine there were a ton of entries, but I am honored just the same. Thanks to the project for choosing my song, and thanks to Jim Hanas for bringing it to my attention. Many of you right now are saying, “That song was about George Plimpton?” Wake up people!

Podcasting Legal Guide

The fine folks over at Creative Commons have just released a legal guide for podcasters. It seems to cover just about anything you need to know if you’re podcasting – how to navigate the very complex world of copyright and create podcasts that are not illegal (if you like that sort of thing). They’ve also posted a few podcast plugs from CC-friendly artists: DJ Spooky, Kristin Hersh, and yes even yours truly. You can plop them in and show everybody how hep you are. Mine is really boring. But that’s how I roll.


That stands for “visual thing a week.” Hot off the…presses? Pressure sensitive Wacom tablet? Here is Len’s image for this week’s thing:

Dude: you continue to rock…

Thing a Week 31 – Just as Long as Me

I wrote this song for a documentary a friend is working on about being tall (and in case he is reading this: yes, I certainly do owe him a phone call). Some people fake the funk, me, I fake the bluegrass. And this feller in this song, you see, he’s extremely tall and he would like to find a tall woman. I like the vocals and I’m pretty proud of the word play in the chorus, but I think this song could be much improved by the addition of a little fiddle – any bluegrass fiddle players out there?

Just as Long as Me

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