Cute Monkey Poll

OK, time to vote. You’ll find the poll over there in the sidebar. Thanks to everyone who submitted, I think they’re all great. Remember, we are looking for the design that you would most like to see on a T-shirt (and buy). If you vote none of the above, leave a comment here about what you think is missing – maybe some different text would clinch it, or maybe the monkey is cute, but the wrong color (nice talk, you effing racist). Voting will close sometime this weekend, depending on how I feel and when I am looking at my computer. I am drunk with power!

VTAW – Till the Money Comes

The hits just keep on coming – this one looks just like me. Thanks Len!

Thing a Week 32 – Till the Money Comes

Just so you know how bad this monkey problem of mine has gotten, every time I type the title of this song my fingers want to type “Monkey” instead of “Money,” which would make for a very different song. This is more on the theme of “asshole sings a breakup song,” in this case his assholism is that he is a scrub, the kind of guy who can’t get no love from the lovely ladies of TLC.

I should also mention, by popular request I have made available a huge honking box set – it’s at the top of the songs page, it costs $50, and it gives you everything but the current Thing a Week album in one big zipfile. If you’ve been waiting to jump in and purchase, this may be the place to do it…

Till the Money Comes

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Code Monkey Like Gunplay

The smarties over at Tra5hTa1k have created a machinima video for Code Monkey. I am so thrilled that I am literally peeing in my pants. TrashTalk is an animated gaming news talk show created by the ILL Clan. The Code Monkey video itself was created with The Movies, a movie studio simulation game that among other things lets you create and direct 3D animation (the rest of their show is done using some kind of super secret animation-making stuff they designed). There’s plenty of monkey gunplay, which is an unexpected but delightful surprise – I think it’s terrific, and I’m not just saying that because it’s based on my song.

I don’t want to sound like a broken record here, but see that awesome thing that just happened? That’s Creative Commons