Another WoW Video

Mike sends a second World of Warcraft video, this time for “Just as Long as Me.” I think this one works even better than the zombies one – I just love the shot over the boat at the end. Mike, what I can’t figure out is, if you spend all your time working, and also all your time playing World of Warcraft, when do you have time to spend all your time making WoW videos?

T-Shirt Results

It’s over! It’s all over! It looks as though Cute Monkey number one is the winner, though it was a close one. Congratulations to…let’s see, that monkey belonged to…Len?! WTF?! This whole thing seems a little rigged doesn’t it? But you can’t argue with the democratic process. I say again, all of them were awesome – thanks to everyone who participated. I will begin making shirts and things using that graphic. I also get the impression that people like the “Code Monkey like you” text, so I’ll use that. Len’s original graphics will still be available (now in green, yellow and gray) and I’m working on black shirts for all graphics. Stay tuned…

For those interested, the winner had 37 percent of the vote, with cute monkey 4 in hot pursuit with 27.

VTAW – Tom Cruise, Crazy

It’s not enough for Len to just do one of these, he’s got to do two of them. I think someone likes Batman…

Thing a Week 33 – Tom Cruise Crazy

Poor Tom Cruise. Sure, he’s got plenty of money and fame and power, but the dude is seriously effed up. I’m a fan, I think he’s a pretty pretty fellow and he makes a fine action film. And I’ve really enjoyed watching him freak out in public of late. But there’s something about these superfamous types that I find very sad – the Michael Jacksons, the Madonnas, and now I can’t think of a third one. Which just goes to show, it’s a very exclusive club – there are only a few of these people who get so absorbed by popular culture that they lose the ability to exist on our plane.

Note to Tom Cruise/Scientologist Heavies: please don’t sue me or have me killed.

Also, in case you see this feed but not the main site, please allow me to pimp my new podcast for Popular Science magazine. Listen and subscribe here.

Tom Cruise Crazy

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