Please Please Cancel My Account

Here’s a recording (if that link’s swamped, here’s a mirror) of a guy trying to cancel his AOL account. Now THAT is funny. Thanks Dr. Smith…

VTAW – Not About You

Just for the record, Len usually has drawn something and sent it to me about 20 minutes after the song gets posted. The only reason it takes days for them to show up here is because I am lazy (also, I try to take weekends off from the internet). So imagine you saw this about three days ago…

Thing a Week 36 – Not About You

Ah, denial. Sometimes it’s the only thing that keeps you going. This one cried out for hand claps from start to finish, but I resisted – the first step is admitting you have a problem.

Funny story: while I was recording this, I got a call from the Gin Blossoms. They want their pre-chorus back.

Not About You

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VTAW – Soft Rocked

Len continues his astounding output with these two submissions. They make me feel almost as awful as I do when I listen to the song.

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