Thing a Week 38 – Drinking with You

I don’t know what it is with me and the office crushes – I haven’t had a job in almost a year so you know, it hasn’t really come up. But I find them very sweet, I think because offices are a lot like high school, which is the best time to have a crush. Except when you have an office crush, you are most likely old enough to drink, and so you can go out and get drunk with your crushee, which is also the best.

I am sensitive to the fact that some might misconstrue this song to be not so much a “sweet love song” and more a “pro-date-rape” song. This is not what I mean. I’m talking about that night long after the two of you both know very well what is going on but haven’t acted on it, and you make this mutual but kind of secret decision to “go out for drinks” – and you’re playing it cool on the outside but inside you’re jumping up and down and doing a one-person conga line singing “Going out for dri-hinks! Going out for dri-hinks!”

If you aren’t old enough to drink, don’t go out for drinks with your crush. It’s really not that awesome. Stay in school kids.

Drinking with You

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Ikea Video

Kerrin’s posted a second video over at The Jonathan Coulton Project, this time for Ikea. Good work internets!

Hey Diddle Diddle, Here’s Your Damn Fiddle

I got a nice fiddle part from Larry for “Just as Long as Me” and have mixed it in with the original tracks. I think it improves the song greatly, and makes my bluegrass faking sound plenty less fake. Larry plays with a band called Gaia Consort, a self-described psychedelic folk-rock band. Give it a listen. Thanks Larry!

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