VTAW – Creepy Doll

I knew Len was going to like this one. It looks kind of like this doll just beat me to death with my own record.

Thing a Week 42 – Creepy Doll

I don’t know what’s going on with this one, I just decided earlier this week that it was time to write a song about a creepy doll. I was thinking about various 70s horror movies that scared the hell out of me when I was a kid. Back then you didn’t need to torture people with chainsaws and drills to make a scary movie, it was enough just to have a doll that kept showing up. Or maybe a clown. I couldn’t keep a straight face though, somewhere in the middle of the song the doll just becomes not so much creepy as annoying. And before you post it in the comments, yes I know that it sounds like Bacteria in the beginning – it’s the same Glock sound and the same key, and kind of the same music. Sue me. We’re on song number 42 here people…

Also, just a little merch plug: I’ve just added T-shirts for “Re: Your Brains” to my CafePress store. The image is the song lyrics typed in memo form decorated with a delightful blood spatter. Buy zombies, buy!

Creepy Doll

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Code Monkey like Closeups

Over at JoCoPro there’s a new video for Code Monkey. In case you’ve been wondering what this fellow Kerrin (or the receptionist in his office) looks like, now is your chance to find out. Kerrin is also trying to figure out a way to organize a week long UK tour in November for old JoCo. I have no idea if this will work or not, but it would be really fun if it did – especially if I don’t have to do any work to make it happen. It’s a question of convincing enough people to pay me enough money to cover airfare, lodging, and hopefully a bit o’ profit in the bargain. So if you own a music venue in London and you want a piece of that action, get in touch with him.

VTAW – Seahorse

I’m in Massachusetts with only dialup and no cellphone service (also some SMTP server problems just for fun). I’m dying. It would take about ten hours to download, upload and post Len’s image the way I usually do, so I’ll instead just point you to the Flickr page where it’s currently at. This is one sad but determined seahorse. Bless him. Thanks Len…