Java was Jammed

Well, well, well. It looks like my first Jammin Java show was not actually a fluke – I appear to have the ability to draw a crowd over there in Vienna, VA. Hooray! Thanks to everyone who came out, it was another excellent audience with some fantastic singing zombies. Here is the set list for those of you who are keeping track:

The Future Soon
I Feel Fantastic
Baby Got Back
Skullcrusher Mountain
Millionaire Girlfriend
Tom Cruise Crazy
Womb with a View
Code Monkey
Re Your Brains
Kennesaw Mountain Landis
First of May

VTAW – Big Bad World One

As far as JoCo likenesses go, this one’s pretty good. Though my actual chest is not as well defined.

Thing a Week 44 – Big Bad World One

Enough with the bigfoots and zombies, this one is pretty straightforward subject matter. The headline is “Sadsack Can’t Find Love,” which is just about as classic as it gets. I have spent more time than I would like to admit hanging out by the food table at parties, because it makes me look like I’m busy with something instead of just afraid to talk to anybody.

I like the way the title phrase sounds out of context – it seems like maybe it might mean something, but you can’t really say what. And I’m incredibly relieved to have broken out of the endless series of sad songs in the key of D that I appear to have been working on. It feels nice to do something a little different. This one’s in A, D and G! Crazy!

While I have your attention, I will mention to you TAW feed readers that I will be playing at Jammin Java in Vienna, VA this Sunday 8/6 at 8 PM. Let’s rock (softly). Now then…

Big Bad World One

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Total Disaster

OK, I think it’s time that I admitted that quick links has been a real disappointment this time around. I’m quick, but my output stink. Turns out I also missed this video for Code Monkey posted in the forums, made with scenes from “Stargate Atlantis.”