Thing a Week 46 – You Ruined Everything

I was having a conversation with a friend who had recently become a parent, and she reminded me of something I had forgotten about since my daughter was born. She was describing this what-have-I-done feeling – I just got everything perfect in my life, and then I went and messed it all up by having a baby. I don’t feel that way anymore, but the thought certainly crossed my mind a few times at the beginning. Eventually you just fall in love and forget about everything else, but it’s not a very comfortable transition. I compare the process to becoming a vampire, your old self dies in a sad and painful way, but then you come out the other side with immortality, super strength and a taste for human blood. At least that’s how it was for me. At any rate, it’s complicated.

You Ruined Everything

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For the past 14 hours some spammer has been sending emails spoofed from various non-existent addresses at I woke up this morning and my inbox had something like 3,000 emails, all auto replies: I’m out of the office, message undeliverable, we’ve received your support request, are you sure you want to join this Yahoo group?, etc. My spam filter appears to be doing a pretty good job – I usually like to check its work, but I’m afraid the volume is just too big for that now. So if you send an email and don’t get a response, that may be why. Hopefully this will end soon…

Don’t You People Have Work To Do?

OK, I just found two more videos I haven’t seen, these for I Feel Fantastic. This one is a guy lip syncing to the song (not so easy, is it pal?) and this one using clips from that Christian Bale movie “Equilibrium.”

In the interests of the world economy and just, I don’t know, general productivity or something, I must urge you all to please stop making videos and get back to your boring pointless jobs. Just kidding!

Three Code Monkey Videos

Just in case you all are not googling my name as often as I am, here are two more videos for Code Monkey.

This one is from Steve – if it looks familiar in some spots, it’s because it was made using The Movies, just like that one that the Ill Clan put together. This one’s a little less happy though. In fact it’s downright depressing. Awesome though. (Just a little tech note, I was unable to stream this in Firefox on my Mac, but I was able to download and watch it.)

And then as I was looking for the Ill Clan one to relive those glory days, I ran across this one on YouTube. It’s Code Monkey played on a PC clone of the game Guitar Hero.

I also found this one, which just makes me feel like I’m high.