
The time has come, my friends, for this:

You may have heard me talk about this in recent interviews. Here is the plan: when I get to song 52 of Thing a Week, I’m going to take a little song writing break of uncertain duration. Believe me, it’s for the best. On the plus side, all of these songs will be released on 4 CDs, in their original order and as they were first recorded. Crazy! I’m not even weeding out the bad songs! Who would do such a thing? Does Sting have the balls to do this? How about Aerosmith? Maybe Bruce Springsteen? No, no and no. None of these people have the balls.

And granted, if you’re reading this, chances are you’ve already downloaded these songs for free, as is your privilege as a JoCo fan. But wait. There’s more. Liner notes by John Hodgman (I got him to do it free so I could pass the savings along to you). Plus, I can tell from your emails that some of you are not comfortable with this whole mp3 thing, and that you actually prefer to have high-quality, plastic copies of your music. Or maybe you want to give me as a gift to some friend or relative (you can’t put a bow on a download!). Or maybe you just want to own all four CDs so that you can prop them up in your trophy case and admire them for the important cultural artifact they represent. A song a week for a year (OK, so the mashup won’t make it on there for legal reasons, and yes, I took three weeks off, but still)!

The first batch of TAW One is winging its way to CDBaby even now, and should be available for purchase there within a week or so. TAW Two and Three are in the production hopper, and TAW Four is of course incomplete at this point. I will also have fresh, warm, juicy copies of TAW One with me at the Ardmore show this Saturday.

Dear Sting, Aerosmith and Bruce Springsteen: where are your balls?

Do Not Miss It

I remind all of you who refuse to read the pretty box of gigs on the main page, this Saturday night I’ll be playing in Ardmore, PA at MilkBoy at 9 PM, opening for Jim Boggia (the best). Forget about me and my silliness, you simply must see Jim play and sing. 15 bucks in advance, 17 at the door. Yes!

Slow, Carefully Considered Links

Dave at WingsForWheels.net has posted the audio from an interview with me at Jammin Java many months ago. You may have already read the transciption.

Mike sends in this video for Mr. Fancy Pants. Pants, pants, pants!

A video for A Laptop Like You on YouTube, clips from Stargate Atlantis.

Another YouTube video for Re: Your Brains, animated. Something about presidents and zombies?

If this slow zoom into the Mandelbrot Set doesn’t freak you out, you are a fool.

Spiff has done a third World of Warcraft video, this time for Creepy Doll. When does he have time to actually play the game?

From Jay Schandemonier, Mr. Fancy Pants meets Mr. Men:

VTAW – You Ruined Everything

As usual, Len has nailed it. A very sweet and no doubt, entirely accurate rendition. Note the reappearance of the JoCo softrock album…