WFCR Interview

Here’s a link to my interview with Bob Paquette on WFCR, just prior to that show I did at Lady Killigrew. Timely, I know. But I just now listened to it and thought, Hey! Sounds pretty good!

Second Life Concert

OK, this is one that everybody can attend. On September 14th I’ll be playing a show in Second Life (the show starts at 5PM SL time, aka West Coast time). Yes: a virtual show in a virtual world with my virtual self, Yonatan Coalcliff. I’ve been hanging out in-world a bit and checking out the streaming technology and I have to say that it’s totally excellent (we used to say that about things – it means “mad cool,” or “radical”). Actually a number of Second Life musicians will be there too – the whole thing is being put together by Creative Commons and

I will be playing live from a secure, undisclosed location in the real world, but you will see my handsome avatar onstage at a venue called Menorca in the Second Life universe. You can also listen to the concert via a number of streaming type websites, and there is some talk of a real world party with video screens (maybe, I don’t know). The whole concert, audio and video, will be Creative Commons licensed, so feel free to record it. All the up to date info can be found in this wiki.

Guess what: it is the future. Here is what I look like in the future (easy ladies!):

More Fun With Zombies

Ileia sends in this video for Re Your Brains. You are all my large army of movie-making zombies, and I thank you.


Posters of at least one, maybe more, VTAWs are now available. This one is Len’s drawing for I Crush Everything, one of my favorites.

And here’s one for I’m a Mason Now, my other one of my favorites.