JoCoPro – My Monkey Video
This one comes from Ruth, who did that last one for When You Go. Made with The Movies, and blessedly limited in actual monkeys. Thanks Ruth (and JoCoPro)!
VTAW – Pull the String
File this one under “obscure, but kind of hard to avoid once you think about it.” I thought of Ed Wood a lot as I was writing this song because of the Martin Landau/Bela Lugosi line “Pool da strinks! Pool da strinks!” Not that it had any bearing on the song. Unless it’s really a song about Ed Wood, which maybe it is. Thanks Len!
Thing a Week 50 – Pull the String
This appears to be about a famous person with a terrible secret. It’s not about anyone in particular as far as I know. Maybe it’s about you – Tom Cruise! Or you – John Hodgman! It kind of reminds me of Big Bad World One, mostly because of the A/E ambiguity in the verse. Believe it or not, that acoustic riff in the verse is an idea that’s been floating around in my head since I was about 17 – it’s a relief to finally get that one out the door. Who’s next!
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Second Life Report
Well, I managed to get through my entire set without either of my computers crashing, which I consider to be a huge success. The venue was so crowded that it was difficult to move around – too much rendering going on. Not to mention, Second Life had rolled out a software update on Wednesday, and were doing some server maintenance during the show. So right in the middle of someone’s set they rebooted the server we were on, and we all got kicked out of the concert. When I logged back in I was transported to some random place where I was attacked by jumping, chattering wooden boxes. Turns out it was griefers. Griefers, man! A legitimate griefer attack. I was quite pleased. Then this message popped up from support (I’m not joking):
After all that, my part of the show went off quite well. It was a great deal of fun, and it hurt my brain (in a good way). There are already quite a few photos up on flickr, and elsewhere I’m sure. Thanks to Zenigma, Adri, Haver and all the people who helped get me ready, thanks to and, and thanks to all the real Second Life musicians who have been pushing the envelope since before my avatar was even in diapers. Onward!