Here’s Len’s homage to the original Queen album cover. I didn’t even think about this when I decided to end with this song, but it’s sort of perfect. Thanks for everything Len, it’s been fantastic watching you make all this great stuff over the year – coloring book! And thanks to all the rest of you collaborators – Kerrin, Spiff, The Ill Clan, Ruth, and far too many more to name here. When you think about it, we really ARE the champions.

Thing a Week 52 – We Will Rock You/We Are the Champions

Unbelievably, we are here. Thanks to all of you who sent in hand claps – every one of them is in there. It was very charming how almost all of you apologized for the quality of the recording, and suggested that I just throw it away and forget about it if it was unusable. I have taught you well – always, ALWAYS doubt yourself.

I’m sad and relieved that it’s the end. It’s been a really amazing trip from 1 to 52, and I can’t thank all of you enough for the many different kinds of support you’ve offered me over this last year. If you bought a CD, if you bought a song, if you sent a donation, if you drew a picture, if you made a video, if you stole a song and passed it along to a friend, if you babysat while I recorded vocals, even if you just wrote me to tell me you like the music, you are one of the reasons that this lasted a whole year. The difference between my life then and my life now is enormous, and it’s all because of you. And while the standard rich and famous contract continues to elude me, in the ways that really matter I am filthy, stinking rich.

Thank you.

We Will Rock You/We Are the Champions

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Here’s a transcription of a really long phone interview with Ken over at Quick Stop Entertainment. We talk about the end of Thing a Week, the beginning of John Hodgman, and I say several offensive/dumb things. You know, the usual. Thanks Ken!

You’re Next Chicago

This Monday October 2 I’ll be at the Chicago House of Blues (at the Back Porch actually – 329 North Dearborn St.) at 9:30 PM. Paul and Storm will be there as well, and will go on after me. Tickets are $7. Say what?! That’s right, $7. Chicago, do you think you have what it takes to outdo Boston? Because Boston is ON TOP OF IT.

Speaking of which, really great show last night Bostonians, thanks so much for coming out and being so fun. I’ll be back to your fair city on December 12th, this time at Johnny D’s with Paul and Storm.

But for now, there is Chicago…