VTAW Continues

A couple of new VTAWs – Len didn’t start until a few songs in, so he’s catching up now. Here’s See You All in Hell and My Monkey.

Seattle Show

I’ll be doing a show in Seattle on October 11 at 8:45 PM at the Jewelbox Theater. I had such a great time at that place when I was there in September, I just couldn’t not go back, even though there’s no way to make it an all ages show. Hodgman and I will be appearing at the Elliot Bay bookstore a little earlier (7:30 PM) and then I will dash over to the Rendezvous and begin to rock. I hope that you are there to rock with me.

Ann Arbor Pics

Some photos from our Borders appearance yesterday, courtesy of Liza. Ignore all those shots of Barenaked Ladies, who were there in the afternoon doing some, I don’t know…music or something?


I’ve gotten a couple of comments and emails about this, so I thought I’d clarify: tomorrow night (10/6) John and I will be at the Fitzgerald Theater in St. Paul for an event with Neal Pollack and a band called Poison Control Center. Now remember, this is a Hodgman centric thing, so you shouldn’t be expecting too much Coulton – I’m not so much a musical guest for the event as I am a musical guest for the Hodgman segment of the event. I honestly don’t know yet what we have planned. Which is not to say that you shouldn’t go, because it’s going to be a very enjoyable evening nonetheless. There will certainly be some kind of book signing table afterwards that I may be hanging around, so come up and find me if you’d like to make a purchase, say hello, or bring me some home baked chocolate chip cookies.