Out of Gas

As they say in the cop movies, I’m getting too old for this shit. I would have loved to spend some time walking around beautiful San Francisco today, but had to crash out in the hotel instead. Now I’m off to Cody’s to do the Hodgman thang, and then back to NYC tomorrow for a few days, where I hope to sleep this cold away.

Thanks to all you folks who came out last night, that was a really fun show. As usual, you demonstrated that Seattle audiences tend to be the biggest and most enthusiastic, even when I’m high on store brand DayQuil, croaking my way through songs I don’t play very well on a good day. And the crowd at the Hodgman reading was simply enormous, maybe 300 people. Totally kickass. We love you west coast, bye for now…

Thanks LA (I Mean Santa Monica)

Thanks to everyone who came out last night to Temple Bar, that was a lot of fun. My first time playing in LA (or thereabouts anyway) and it was a nice, big, friendly crowd with stuffed monkeys. I’ll be back.

Now, we’re just about to wrap up the first half of this tour, so here’s what we got left. Today we’ll be at Powell’s in Portland at 7:30 for a reading. Tomorrow, ditto at Elliot Bay in Seattle, and then I’ll do a show at the Jewelbox Theater at 8:45 (or as soon as I can get over there). And then finally on Thursday, a 7 PM reading at Cody’s in San Francisco. Home to NYC for a bit on Friday and then back out again the last couple weeks of October for more fun down the east coast and beyond. So the only other immediate Coulton show is in Seattle – I was hoping for something in San Fran but it doesn’t look like that’s going to work out after all, which is maybe just as well since I’m battling a nasty cold and just tired, tired, tired. Hodgman’s a real slave driver…

Me = Dummy

Right. The Temple Bar thing is TONIGHT. I should think about lining someone up to sell merch for me at the show. Yep, should definitely post about that sometime soon.

What do you say internets? Anyone coming to the show, you can save yourself five bucks and also get some free stuff if you run the merch table tonight. Email me, and we will party.

3 Things

Scream Theater, an evening of spooky Halloween story telling in Flint, Michigan, will be using some modified version “Re: Your Brains” in their show. Hopefully for some kind of large dance number spectacular. Here’s the poster:

Good old Ruth has created a video for Drive featuring various images of scantily clad ladies. Ruth likes the sexy stuff. Posted over at JoCoPro. Thanks guys!

And Dave sends in this video for Code Monkey, featuring clips from The Matrix. Code Monkey take the red pill…

Tonight: Book Soup at 7:00, Temple Bar at 9:45. Dig it!