Three Vids

Jake sends this video for Re: Your Brains, a little live action shambling. Rock!

Emily dances in her jammies to Code Monkey. She is proud to be awesome.

Bradley uses Creepy Doll in this scary trailer.

MilkBoy Saturday

Hey there Pennsylvanians. If you’re anywhere near Ardmore and you don’t come out to see me play tomorrow night at MilkBoy then we are officially through. Through! Do you hear me? I’m on at 9, opening for Derek Chafin, and tickets are a mere $10. Also, the beverages there are tasty.

Oh yeah, who wants to sell CDs and Tshirts for me? I’ll buy you a Chai…

Thing a Week Reorg

You may not have noticed, but I’ve just altered the grouping of the Thing a Week stuff on the Songs page. When I started I grouped by 10 because I hadn’t really thought it all the way through, and I wasn’t sure it was going to be a whole year. But now of course the CDs I’m putting out will be 13 songs each. So I altered the Songs page and the ID3 tags on the mp3s reflect this. Those of you who care can edit your mp3s to match if you want to be completely accurate and everything. Also, the Box Set is now $70 and includes all of Thing a Week.

In related news, both Thing a Week One and Thing a Week Two CDs are in stock at CDBaby (for now). I’m hoping that Three and Four will be done soon, ideally in time for Christmas, I mean “The Holidays.” I’m looking into some options for packaging them all together in some kind of packaging, but don’t hold your breath.

JoCo to Oxford: Wowie

Well jeez, isn’t everyone in Oxford really awful nice? We had such a great time, and everyone we met offered to take us out to dinner, or have us over for drinks, or marry us to their beautiful daughters. On our day off we had two (TWO!) barbecue lunches and then fried catfish at Taylor Grocery, which was accompanied by the music of the extremely well-bearded Tate Moore, whose CD I look forward to listening to when I have a freakin’ moment. Then some Taylor residents built a giant bonfire in their backyard for us (not to burn us you understand) and we all had beer. Thank you various Mississippi residents! Tonight: Book People in Austin, TX.