Columbus Show

As you know, I’m doing a bunch of shows with Paul and Storm the week after Thanksgiving. Currently we have one hole in the schedule, and that’s Friday December 1, in between Cleveland on Thursday and Dayton on Saturday. Ideally we’d hit Columbus Friday night, but our plans for that haven’t worked out so far. I turn to you, dear internets – anyone know of a place in Columbus that’s looking for a double billing of me and the boys? Just another motivating factor for you, December 1 also happens to be my birthday. Birthday show! In Columbus!

Actual Footage

Gle3nn (who is different from Glenn, you understand) was at my show at Temple Bar in Santa Monica, and recorded the whole thing. He then painstakingly created separate clips for each song and posted them all on YouTube, in a flagrant violation of my copyright. Kidding! Here they are (note that my real life stage presence is just slightly more dynamic than that of my slumped-over Second Life avatar):

The Future Soon, Skullcrusher Mountain, First of May, Shopvac, I Feel Fantastic, Baby Got Back, Creepy Doll, Big Bad World One, I Crush Everything, Code Monkey, You Ruined Everything, Tom Cruise Crazy, Re: Your Brains

Many VTAWs

I won’t overload this page with all the images, but here are links to several additional VTAWs from Len as he works his way toward the entire collection. He is an unstoppable force of nature.
Podsafe Christmas Song, Sibling Rivalry, Town Crotch, Baby Got Back, W’s Duty, Brand New Sucker, Furry Old Lobster, Flickr, Drive.

Two Pics

Rachel sends this rather disturbing photo of a half pony half monkey monster she made herself out of monkeys, ponies, and too much free time.

And Julia sends this photo (careful, it’s kind of large) as evidence supporting the theory that Benoit Mandelbrot is at least aware of the existence of the Mandelbrot Set song. Of course, that’s only a theory…