Bob and Tom

I have just heard that on Monday 11/27 I’ll be on the Bob and Tom show along with Paul and Storm, as we kick off our mini-tour with some hilarious morning zoo action. I’m not sure exactly what will happen, but I do know that I will have to be at the studio early in the morning, which is the funniest time of day. It’s a great time for singing too! Please note that either Bob or Tom appears to have an actual mustache – I salute him.

When You Go Remix

Russell sends me this kick-ass remix of When You Go. I dig the changes in the changes, if you see what I’m saying. And the telephone section in the middle is creepy cool.

I’m not sure I’ve made this public, but a few people have asked me privately for the source tracks to this song so I have posted them here.

Tour Poster

OK street team, now’s your chance to chip in. Paul and Storm and I will be spinning through the midwest (er, mostly Ohio I guess) the week after Thanksgiving, and we would like to have audiences. Here’s a poster that our pal Len made for us (despite having serious reservations about how disgusting we all look with Pussycat bodies). This tiny version links to a full-quality pdf, which you should feel free to download, print out, and drop from airplanes over the cities we’re playing. And it goes without saying, if you want to pester your blogger, radio dj, entertainment reporter friends about us, we would not object. Go monkeys, go!

Also, at Andrea’s suggestion, here’s one that’s just got a white background, so you can print it on yellow paper and save the ink.


Just a reminder that I’ll be doing a couple of songs tonight at The Sound of Young America live show at the PIT in Manhattan (I’m in the 10 PM show). Jesse Thorn, America’s radio sweetheart, offers this video as a preview of the fantastic entertainment situation that is likely to arise.