Return to SL

I’ll be back in the surfer haircut once again tonight. At 9:30 PM EST PopSci is hosting an event in SL to celebrate the opening of their new Future Lounge, which looks very styling I must say. I think I’m on at 10 PM, but there are other musicians and crazy virtual action going on as well. The first 100 people to get there will win some kind of gadget thingie – probably a death ray if I know PopSci. More details can be found here.

New Shirt

I thought you’d all like to see this new Skullcrusher Mountain shirt from Len that we’re selling through Zazzle. On the back it says “What’s with all the screaming?” The merchandise situation is getting a little fragmented I know, I really need to reorganize this site a bit to get everything together again. I mean, nobody’s even buying the coloring books…

More Poster Business

Wow, look at that candy, huh?

I offer you loyal street team members (you know who you are – even if we have never discussed it, you just know) some other poster options. At Andrea’s suggestion, here’s a white background version of the Meddling Kids poster so you can just print it on yellow paper and keep all the yellow ink for yourself.

Also, Len put this little beauty together for me, sultry photo by my pal Emily Rawlings. You can use it for those gigs where it’s just me playing (or if you just hate Paul and Storm and want to hurt them). Click the image below for the full quality pdf.

Gimme Some Candy

In my continuing efforts to 1) steal good ideas from other people, and 2) amass a thousand tiny streams of tiny revenue to support my tiny cocaine habit, I’ve just rolled out the fabulous microsponsorship thingie known as Gimme Some Candy. I posted a while ago about my envy of Ze Frank who schemed this brilliant scheme to help support The Show, and he was kind enough to hook me up with the people who could give me my own version. And here it is!

You’ll see in the sidebar there is an area marked “Bananas, Monkeys, Robots.” In this area you will see all the bananas, monkeys and robots that people have bought from me (right now, there is only one sad little banana that I bought for myself). You can click the “Buy Your Own” link to post an icon and message of your choice (bananas=$5, monkeys=$10, robots=$25). That area over there will always show the most recent ten.

This is just like a donation, but it’s much more fun because you get to write WHATEVER STUPID MESSAGE YOU WANT and tens of people will see it. What a country!