Code Monkey Remix Contest

Quick Stop Entertainment is hosting a Code Monkey remix contest. You have until December 9 to grab the source tracks and warp them into something that makes booties shake. A panel of judges will judge you; Thing a Week box sets will be awarded. We will all have a great time.

Get on it!


Just wanted to let you all know I saw them at Irving Plaza last night, and they are big, rocking, shiny rock stars. Look into it.

New MySpace Logo

Did you see? MySpace just came out with a new logo:

I like it a lot! I think it gets to the heart of what MySpace is all about, i.e., seeing this error every other time you click something. I want to respond to both of the statements made in this error message, the first one first:

1) Not to me it wasn’t!

2) I doubt it!

Luckily, the friends I’m trying to add are mostly fake sexy lady profiles that belong to spammers who are going to fill my comments with garbage. The geniuses behind the scenes do eventually find and remove these profiles which is why my comments section starts with 21 of these:

Code Monkey: “Hey Rob, you want me to delete the SPAM comments when I delete the SPAM profiles, or should I leave them there?”

Rob: “Let’s choose the middle course – leave the comments there, but remove their content so they no longer have any value, and yet still take up space.”

Oh also? When you click the Home link after getting this error it doesn’t bring you to your profile page until you click the Home link again – so you get to see twice as many Sierra Mist ads!

And when you want to change your top friends, you might find it hard to sort through all your friends and find the ones you want, were it not for this great box:

See, you can choose to search by email, or, well, by email. As you might expect from looking at this interface, the Find button does nothing, and the Browse All button makes the Browse All button disappear. And then your pants fall down and your house catches fire. How did we ever get by without this wonderful tool?

Sorry MySpace kids. I love you very much.

TAW 3 and 4 CDs

All the stuff for TAW 3 and 4 is at the plant, and CDs are being made. It’s looking like I’ll have them in my hands the first week of December, and then they’ll be available at CD Baby a few days after that, just in time to be Christmas presents. I’m also pretty optimistic that some kind of a TAW Box Set will be available at that time too – I just need to buy me some boxes. Those of you waiting to buy all four at once will be rewarded with the opportunity to do exactly that for each person on your holiday gift-giving list. Hoorah!