Boston Bidness

Wow, what a great show last night. You were all so big and loud and fun – one of those shows where I felt like it was impossible to make any mistakes, and even if I did you would still love me. This was demonstrated quite effectively at the Pandemonium Books pre-show show, where I hacked my way through the worst version of “Brookline” I’ve ever played. And still the love keeps coming. Thanks everyone for coming out.

I meant to take a picture of the audience but forgot. Instead, here’s a shot of me showing off my fancy “performer” hand stamp, which got me special treatment with regard to booze. It reminds me of something…



Wowza. I guess this “N. P. R.” is a big thing. If you tried to do anything on this site yesterday, you may have had some trouble. Seems better today, so if you bought something and couldn’t download it, give it another shot now. Apologies to everyone, especially my awesome hosts, who are very patient with me and my zany bandwidth.

If you missed the Weekend Edition interview, it’s now online. People tell me I sound very relaxed – probably the ludes talking.

Also, The Sound of Young America has posted that live show I did in NYC – I should say, there are other folks performing too, it’s not just me. In fact, the whole thing is awesome. Check it out.

JoCo Till January

A bit of news, a couple of new mini shows, and a reminder of my schedule through the end of the year (note that the Milkboy show is now at 8 PM).

First, Thing a Week CDs are being delivered to me today, and should be available for sale at within a week. There will also be a box containing all 4 CDs and some kind of a make-your-own cover situation – what a lovely Christmas gift! I’ll have all items with me for these upcoming shows.

Tuesday 12/12 5 PM at Pandemonium Books in Cambridge, MA (this is a pre-show mini-show and mega-signing). Free!

Tuesday 12/12 8:30 PM at Johnny D’s in Somerville, MA (with Paul and Storm). $10

Johnny D’s Home

Friday 12/15 7:30 PM at Mo Pitkins in NYC (with Paul and Storm). $15

Saturday 12/16 8 PM at Milkboy Coffee in Ardmore, PA (with Paul and Storm). $8 advance/$10 door

Sunday 12/17 7:30 PM at Jammin Java in Vienna, VA (with Paul and Storm). $12 advance/$15 door


Wednesday 12/20 7 PM at 12 Miles West in Bloomfield, NJ (I’ll do a 20 minute set somewhere in and around Sean Altman’s show “Jewmongous!”). $18 advance/$20 door

It’s been an awesome year – thanks to everyone who contributed to my enormous success and nearly complete domination of all media. Onward!

Coulton Alert System

Still online, even though my enemies have tried to take it out many times.