At Long Last

Thing a Week 3 and Thing a Week 4 CDs are now available at CDBaby, and so is the Thing a Week Box Set – all 4 CDs in a signed and numbered tin box, which comes with a little sheet of stickers so you can make your own cover, or decorate your Trapper Keepers. I’m expecting these will go quickly, so I’m going to send back up supplies today. CDBaby will ship Priority Mail (2-3 days) if you order more than one CD, and they also have overnight options if you really want to be sure to save Christmas.
Some of you are going to ask me about getting a box and some stickers, since you’ve already bought the CDs. I’m going to hook you up – I’ll figure out some way to make build-your-own box set kits available at cost. But not by Christmas. Bah, humbug!

Tonight I’m at Mo Pitkins with Paul and Storm, and I’ll have all these CDs with me there too. Bring your money!

CD Stock

Everything is back in stock at CDBaby (except for TAW3, TAW4, and the TAW box set, all of which are so close to being available I can taste them). Amazon I’m not so sure about, they move much more slowly, but I did just send another batch to them – if you want stuff by Christmas, CDBaby’s probably the way to go. Get ’em while they last though, this NPR thing has brought buckets of new people into the mix – welcome, interlopers!

PopSci Podcast

I just heard that the PopSci Podcast has been chosen as one of the iTunes store Staff Picks for 2006. It’s on the first page, right up there with my heroes Ze Frank and Ask a Ninja. Huzzah!

Wait a sec, didn’t I also do some other podcast in 2006?

Proof of Boston

Lindsay sends in this moving picture of me playing Mandelbrot Set on Tuesday night. It starts out sideways, just like the song.