CES Videos

I just got back yesterday from a few days in Vegas at CES (the Consumer Electronics Show), doing some video blogging with FutureGirl for PopSci. Now my feet hurt, my TV seems too small, and the stripper I fell in love with won’t call me back. But that’s CES for you!

We put together four different videos, each of them having the theme “we walk around and look at stuff. You can see them here, here, here and here. If you watch the beginning of the last one closely, you may see a thin strip of my belly. Lucky you.


It seems we’re experiencing a slight rise in evil geniusism.

This Apple blog uses an image I’ve seen somewhere before. That’s a fine ratio of monkeys to ponies, but in my opinion, Cort used too many monkeys. So did Rachel for that matter. Just be careful out there people.

When You Go Sheet Music

Roger sent in a transcription of the voice parts in When You Go – actual sheet music, Sibelius format (free demo version available), I’ve posted a link to it on the lyrics page for that song. There’s a small difference in the opening figure that I’ve explained there. All you a cappella kids get on it, and send me your recordings so I feel loved. Thanks Roger!

Videos from the Inbox

From Dana, a WoW video for Chiron Beta Prime. Those poor tiny mini people!

Good old Spiff is at it again, this time taking on Podsafe Christmas Song. More tiny mini people!

Jarod sends in this delightful piece of battery replacement porn using A Laptop Like You, plus bonus footage of bacon frying.

From Mike (actually a non-Spiff Mike), here is this flash video for Sibling Rivalry.

Dr. Rock Star himself, a.k.a. Jonnie Bock, sends this cover of my cover of Baby Got Back. Maybe I should do the bald thing.

And look, this year really HAS been a little crazy for the Andersons.

Here’s another JoCo-soundtracked family Christmas card from Kristin of the Manic Mommies podcast – boy, that guitar solo sounds so perfectly crappy if I do say so myself.

Now, do you see how well my music works with moving images? Do you see, wealthy advertisers who need music for their national ad campaigns?