All We Want To Do Is Play The Uke

Kristen, winner of the Code Monkey remix contest points me to this video of a guy doing a uke cover of Re: Your Brains. Swingin’! I think that all the world’s music needs to be redone with ukulele.

IE 7 and Streaming Issues

Anyone else having trouble using the play button on the Songs page while using Internet Explorer 7 on a Windows machine? Don’t tell me they broke it…

Code Monkey Animated Series

G4 TV will debut a new animated series this Spring called “Code Monkeys,” the story of a group of 80s game designers. It will be animated in the style of a Super Nintendo game. No word yet on whether it will have a decent theme song.

A Cappella Assault

This story is strange for so many reasons. At a New Year’s Eve party in San Francisco, an a cappella group from Yale called the Baker’s Dozen was singing the Star Spangled Banner. A couple of locals who don’t like a cappella (or perhaps, America?) started yelling some stuff at them, calling them faggots, making fun of their ties, probably also their jazz hands. Nothing out of the ordinary so far – when you sing in an all male a cappella group, sometimes beefy sports-loving frat boys hate you.

But then one of the hecklers called in reinforcements (what the?) and threatened “I’m 20 deep, my boys are coming.” When the group left the party, a van full of his boys jumped them and beat them up, sending one of them to the hospital with a broken jaw. There’s now some talk that the police investigation has been a little less than thorough.