The Elusive Label Deal

So Glenn sends me a link to this fellow Scott Andrew’s blog in which he calls for some kind of musical deathmatch involving me. Once and for all, I don’t do deathmatches – I don’t even do painmatches. A minordiscomfortmatch is as far as I’ll go.

But the point is, Andrew links to this NPR story about Dresden Dolls. They tour full time, probably work pretty hard, and apparently make $1500 a month. Wha? Of course their label deal gives them only about a dollar per CD, and I guess when they tour they spend money on a road crew and a bus and stuff like that, because they’re an actual band. But how depressing is that? They’re like, a real band with a label and everything. I make more than that, and I have no idea what I’m doing. How can this be?

Someone Is Crazy vs. Heroes

Damon sends in this video for Someone Is Crazy using clips from Heroes. I wish I watched this show – I was kind of excited for it when it first came out, but then I somehow missed the first couple of episodes and never got back on the train. I suppose I’ll probably Netflix it when it’s out on DVD. Until then, I will enjoy it by watching Damon’s video.

Union Hall Videos

Those of you who missed the show in Brooklyn on Tuesday missed a rare opportunity to see a ukulele in the wild. Kristen, the winner of the Code Monkey Remix Contest, uked for me on Code Monkey and Tom Cruise Crazy (on which I played a low quality acoustic bass guitar very poorly). Despite all my joshing about professionalism, please note that it was I who made the most mistakes – that is how I roll.

Code Monkey

Tom Cruise Crazy

More West Coast Details

So I’ve now got actual venues lined up for San Diego and LA.

San Diego: House of Blues, 5th Avenue Stage, February 20th at 8 PM.

Los Angeles: Hotel Cafe, February 21st at 11 PM. Sorry so late, but you LA people finish putting on your makeup until 10 anyway right?

So now the details for the west coast tour can now be found on my shows page. Blog that shit, a-sap!