Portland Rules

I’ve always said it, even if I haven’t said it out loud to anyone who could hear me. The place was packed with screamy singy people who came to have a good time and act like zombies – thanks everyone for another extremely fun show.

Seattle tonight: Tractor Tavern at 7 PM. See you there.

Got Dugg

It’s fun when this happens – all these overlapping waves of word-of-mouth and blog/podcast mentions suddenly coalesce into something really big like a Digg story. It was in the top ten for a while there, so my site really got slammed and the database server went down for a while. Last I checked it was all up again, so hopefully it will stay that way. Thanks Diggers!

P.S. I am now too famous to play my show tonight at 9 PM at the White Eagle Saloon in Portland (that’s 9 PM, and it’s only $12). Please do not come and bring all your friends. And also, can we please get a date for Glenn? He’s got an extra ticket and everything…

Radio Killed the Internet Star

If you’re like me, you love hearing me on the radio. Jesse Thorn (the whiz kid behind The Sound of Young America) tells me that this Sunday the Hodgman/Coulton episode of TSOYA will air on KXOT in Seattle, 91.7 FM, 2-3 PM. Watch for it with your ears.

And by the way, WNYC’s going to give TSOYA a trial run on their own fine radio station for a few weeks starting March 4. I ask you, how can I dominate the world if Jesse Thorn gets there first? Curse you Jesse Thorn!

LA – Creepiest Audience Yet

In a good way of course – too many half pony half monkey monsters to count, and a lot of shouted comments about bodily harm from the audience. Also in a good way. That was a really fun show, though I still can’t believe I stayed up past 10 PM. I’m on my way (slowly) to Portland tomorrow night at the White Eagle Saloon, and then Seattle’s Tractor Tavern for Saturday.

Thanks guys. I will continue to rock!