
Just take a look at this Google Maps/Twitter mashup, and then tell me we are not incredibly lucky to be alive at a time when things like this actually exist.

A Whole New You

Kerrin’s been at it again – we’ve just updated the You page to show the most recently added fun JoCo related stuff. There’s also a Search area on that page so you can look for specific things across all songs.

Kerrin continues to rock and roll…

Karaoke Store

I am proud to announce that after much procrastination on my part, the JoCo Karaoke Store (JoCoKaSto?) is now open. Many thanks to Bob at for creating all these files for me, and to Len for letting us use some of his images. And to you for taking these suckers out to the karaoke night at your local bar and dropping freakin’ “Womb with a View” on those mofos. Staht spreadin’ da nyeuuz…

Update: I’ve uploaded a sample to so you can see what these things look like.

My Friends, The Air Supply

Eric sends in this great JoCo infomercial. They’re all out of love; they’re so lost without me.