YouTube Strikes Again

It certainly took a while, but YouTube has finally gotten around to removing Spiff’s First of May video for being too dirty. As they say in their email to him, it was “…flagged by members of the YouTube community and reviewed by YouTube staff…”


Interview on LX.TV

The bravely mustachioed George Oliphant asks me some questions and I answer as part of LX.TV’s “Drinks With” series of interviews (I was not drinking – for heaven’s sake it was the middle of the day). Later I play a couple of songs. They also tell me that some of this business will appear on the actual TELEVISION this Monday at 11:30 AM on NBC, during their actual TELEVISION PROGRAM “1st Look.”

The full interview is embedded below, and here are links to Code Monkey and You Ruined Everything.

Second Life MP3 Player

I read on Mashable about this new Second Life gizmo thingie from Cruxy. It’s meant to be like an in-game mp3 player (not really: after the discussion in the comments, I see that the metaphor of a remote control is more appropriate). Your Second Life avatar wears it and it streams music based on an xspf playlist. The one limitation, which is kind of major in my opinion, is that you have to own the land you’re on to hear the music. Oops! This is a current limitation of Second Life, which I hope they get rid of soon, because it makes a device like this so much less excellent than it could be.

I am not a landowner in Second Life, so I can’t hear if it works or not, but I’ve set up a playlist you can use if you want to try it out. Just go to this page on Cruxy to have the player sent to you – enter your avatar name and use this link for the playlist:

Keep on rockin in the virtual world…

Code Monkey Card Game

Mike has created the first ever JoCo card game, based on Code Monkey, and using art from the ever-prolific and always fabulous Len. It’s freely available for download here. At this rate, there should be an action figure of me by year’s end. I wonder if I will have a utility belt?