Extra, Extra

Tomorrow night I’m doing a photo shoot for something that will appear in the Sunday New York Times Magazine. Huzzah! I’ll tell you later. For now, I’m looking for a couple of people (exactly two actually) who can be extras, just hanging out in the background, most likely pretending to work on a laptop while they sip coffee and steal wifi. You would have to be in Park Slope from about 6:30-9 Wednesday night, dressed in your regular clothes, enjoying your coffee. If you’re interested, send me an email through the contact link up there on the top of this page.

Attention Lovers of Talking

It is time for you to check out this growing but already big-enough-to-overwhelm collection of free lectures from around the web: Listening To Words. All kinds of kwazy stuff in there, including at least one lecture relating to bears. Yet somehow, impossibly, none about monkeys. Even I am in there, though technically singing songs does not a lecture make – I suspect some rules were bent (I know a guy).

The really nice thing about listening to lectures when you get to be my age is that you don’t have to take notes or worry about the paper you’re going to write. I’m done with school suckers!

First of May Monster

Here’s a monster by mail based on the “word” firstofmay (the word is from Middle English I think). [Actually: I am wrong, it is not a word at all – I failed to notice that there is a new theme of “fictional monster movies” over at Monster By Mail. I’m leaving my joke though.] Do not watch it if you are a child, are offended by copious uses of the F-bomb, or are going to report it to the YouTube smut removal police. Do watch it if you would like to see Len drawing what is quite literally a beast with two backs.

Shows in May

Just sent this email out to the mailing list, but just in case you’re not on it:

Hello peoples. It’s been a very quiet April, but it will be a rather
busy May. Lookout! Please note especially the time change for the RIT
show on May 5th – turns out we were competing with a Ben Folds show on
campus, which seemed pretty dumb.

Wednesday May 2
Northampton, MA
7 PM at Iron Horse Music Hall
With Paul and Storm

Thursday May 3
Somerville, MA
9:30 PM at Johnny D’s
With Paul and Storm

Friday May 4
Albany, NY
10:30 PM at The Comedy Works
With Paul and Storm

Saturday May 5
Rochester, NY
3 PM at the Webb Auditorium at RIT
With Paul and Storm plus RIT’s Surround Sound
Complicated ticket information: Tickets are now available from the
Candy Counter located in the Student Alumni Union Lobby (Bldg 4, room
1335). The tickets are $12 from the Candy Counter, $15 at the door.
The Candy Counter phone number is (585) 475-5210, and is open
Mon-Fri, 9:00-4:00pm. It accepts cash, check, MasterCard, and Visa.

Wednesday May 16
Madison, WI
Café Montmarte (pretty sure anyway: more details to come)
With Paul and Storm

Thursday May 17
Plover, WI
7:30 PM at Memories Wedding and Banquet Hall
With Paul and Storm
This is a benefit for the Boys and Girls clubs of Plover, WI, and so
it is in a banquet hall and costs $45 (or $80 per couple).

Friday May 18
Chicago, IL
7 PM at Schuba’s
With Paul and Storm

Saturday May 19
Dayton, OH
9:30 PM at Canal Street Tavern
With Paul and Storm

That’s all for now. Happy Spring everybody! And next time you enjoy a
“scone and a large house blend” please think of me. I certainly am.
