Sweet, Delicious, Positive Press

As I have been saying for many days, the NY Times Magazine has an article today about how the internet has changed the relationship between artists and fans, and there’s a big ol’ picture of me plus quite a bit of JoCo discussion. As one commenter has noted, my cat is not in the article or the photo, but he appears quite a bit in the video thingie. He’s going to get a ton of myspace friend requests today I’m sure.

Thanks to Clive and Lee for this multi-media one-two punch to the midsection of popular culture. Body blow! Body blow! Body blow!

Be Reminded of These Gigs

I’ve got a midwest trip next week: Madison on 5/16, Plover on 5/17, Chicago on 5/18 and Dayton on 5/19 – all of those with Paul and Storm. And then 5/22 I’ll be back at Union Cafe in Park Slope Brooklyn. Check my Shows page for details.

By the way, you may want to check out the Sunday Times Magazine this weekend if you want to see a picture of me without a cat (for once)…

Funny Google Thing

I have been watching with some amusement the growing number of comments at this old post of mine (about the recording of that guy trying to cancel his AOL account) from people who are actually trying to cancel some kind of account. I guess I can see how you could make that mistake if you were really not an internet person, but I really couldn’t figure out how everyone was finding their way to that post. But this morning I googled “cancel my account” and guess what’s the number one result? Thanks Google.

Spiff Marches On

Good old Spiff has been neglecting his guild again, spending time instead on this new World of Warcraft video for Betty and Me. I notice he went a little easy on the “adult situations,” perhaps feeling the chilling effects of the recent First of May take-down on YouTube. Thanks Spiff!