Rock Band
The makers of the game Guitar Hero are looking for suggestions of songs to include in their new game Rock Band. I don’t know much about the game, but I’m sure it would be about a thousand times better if it had a great song in it like Code Monkey. I’m just saying.
Monkeys: attack!
SkyMall Captions
Also, I keep meaning to post to these other things that make me laugh: captions written on SkyMall ads by my friend Melissa. There are these and also these others.
So Geeky
Saw this on Waxy – LOLCODE, a coding language based on LOLCats. My favorite example is this HelloWorld routine:
Why in the world is this so funny to me?
Next Time: Private Jet
Just to wrap up this Canada story: I was unable to get to Toronto at all this weekend. So the clever folks at NXNE had the idea to do the interview anyway via webcam. I sat in my Brooklyn studio in front of my iSight camera and did the Saturday afternoon interview with Clive who was sitting in front of a camera and an audience in Toronto. Played a couple of songs, took a couple of questions, drank a beer. It was yet another nice demonstration of the fact that to do this job, I really don’t need to leave the house.