Shows, Shows, Shows
If you’re not on the mailing list, then you did not receive this:
I’m back from vacation and ready to travel around the country bringing joy to all the boys and girls. Weirdly, I’m making several trips to Seattle in quick succession. Not as weirdly, there’s a whole West Coast/Texas tour thing with Paul and Storm happening in September. Watch this:
Saturday 8/25 – PAX (Penny Arcade Expo) in Seattle, WA
Washington State Convention Center
9 PM
I’m kicking off an evening of nerdcore deliciousness that includes MC Frontalot and the Minibosses. The first 4,000 attendees (gulp) Saturday morning get seats, the other 1,000 seats go to attendees on a first come first served basis.
Friday 8/31 – The Birchmere in Alexandria, VA
7:30 PM
This is a big place with lots of room for everyone. Seriously, buy some tickets right away so I’m not embarrassed. As a special bonus, this is also the CD release party for Paul and Storm’s new CD “Gumbo Pants” (which sounded awesome to me even before I heard it).
Saturday-Monday 9/1-9/3 – Bumbershoot in Seattle, WA
Seattle Center, Comedy Stage North – Intiman Theatre
Several shows: Saturday 4 PM, Sunday 5:30 PM, Monday 2:30 PM
Ah, afternoon comedy. Nothing funnier than a slightly sleepy audience who hasn’t been drinking. I’ll be splitting an hour on stage with Kristen Schaal (late of Flight of the Conchords) and Anthony Jeselnick (erm…from Pittsburgh).
Here begins some serious touring with Paul and Storm
Wednesday 9/12 – Paul Gleason Theater in Los Angeles, CA
8:30 PM
With Paul and Storm
Tickets at Ticketmaster:
Friday 9/14 – Great American Music Hall in San Francisco, CA
9 PM
With Paul and Storm
Tuesday 9/18 – Cactus Cafe in Austin, TX
8:30 PM
With Paul and Storm
Wednesday 9/19 – Club Dada in Dallas, TX
8 PM
With Paul and Storm
Thursday 9/20 – McGonigel’s Mucky Duck in Houston, TX
7:30 PM
With Paul and Storm
Friday 9/21 – McMenamin’s Mission Theater in Portland, OR
9 PM
With Paul and Storm
Sunday 9/23 – Triple Door in Seattle, WA
7:30 PM
With Paul and Storm
Was that enough crazy touring for you? No? OK then!
Saturday 9/29 – Rams Head Onstage in Annapolis, MD
7 PM
With Paul and Storm
Wednesday 10/3 – Higher Ground (Showcase Lounge) in Burlington, VT
7:30 PM
With Paul and Storm
Thursday 10/4 – Iron Horse in Northampton, MA
7 PM
With Paul and Storm
Friday 10/5 – Johnny D’s in Somerville, MA
7:30 PM
With Paul and Storm
And that’s all I know so far. Times etc. subject to change – don’t count on my having gotten any of this right for heaven’s sake. Please spread the word, tweet about it, blog about it, help me to put butts in seats so that I can continue soft rocking all around the world. As always, thank you.
P.S. I got blisters on my fingers!!!
Back in Brooklyn
Got back last night after a fantabulous couple of weeks away from almost everything (I confess, I couldn’t stop myself from at least checking my email a few times). I’m starting the catching up process now and should be finished in about 11 months, at which point it will be time for vacation again. Thank you for all your summer cocktail suggestions, each one was more delicious than the last.
Many things coming up, I’ll be doing a big mailing and post today (hopefully). Summer’s over…
I’m on Vacation
Such as it is – when you never really “go to work” anyway it’s hard to figure out how to actually take a vacation. Such problems! I will be in a beachy place for the next couple of weeks, so I may be extra slow in answering emails and posting things here. I am, however, willing to take suggestions as to what delicious summer cocktail I should be enjoying while I’m here.
I will also eat lobster.
Best Cover Songs
The NY Post published a list of the best 100 cover songs, and they put my version of “Baby Got Back” at #2 between Dolly Parton’s “Stairway to Heaven” and The Bangles’s’ss’ “Hazy Shade of Winter.” Admittedly this list is “in no particular order” so it doesn’t mean I did the second best cover song ever. Still, it’s quite nice to be nestled amongst all those ladies…