Another Reason Why CDBaby Rules

They’re now selling mp3s of all their artists music. For the same price as a CD you get LAME encoded 200k VBR mp3s, a jpg of the CD cover, and a text file with the liner notes. The artists keeps 91% of these sales. In my case this is slightly more expensive for you than buying from my store (UPDATE: I stand corrected – of course you can change the prices dummy. Their prices now match my store.), and there doesn’t seem to be a way of getting individual mp3s yet, but I think it’s still a pretty sweet service to offer. Yet another example of why it’s a great time to be an independent musician.

And Spiff!

As you may be able to surmise, I’m behind on all this incoming user content. Here’s one by Spiff, who just gets better and better:

Mandelbrot Set Video

I just had to single this one out for extra special awesomeness (made at the Cornell Summer Animation Workshop by Pisut Wisessing):

Birchmere, Neil Diamond

Well I am surprised. Surprised and delighted I tell you. A nice big crowd at last night’s Birchmere show with Paul and Storm, thanks in no small part to the Washington Post Express piece linked in the last post and the Washington Times piece and not one but TWO television appearances on FOX and CBS. I think the video from PAX certainly helped too, along with a large amount of general blog buzz stemming from same. ANYWAY: there were over 400 people there, which was not a sellout, but it was close. And it was certainly a new record for me (if you don’t count the 5,000 at PAX, many of whom were probably not there for the sole reason of seeing me). Many stuffed animals thrown, gummi brains eaten, and Neil Diamond songs played (well, one). Thank you everyone for a very fun night.

If I haven’t already said it, Paul and Storm’s new CD “Gumbo Pants” sounds great, and is now officially on sale – many happy Paul and Storm fans walked away with shiny new copies they bought last night, and are probably having more fun than you are right now because they are listening to it. You know what to do.

And now I’m laying over in Chicago on my way to Seattle, after a very early wake-up and some frantic driving around looking for a gas station at 4:30 in the morning. Next stop Bumbershoot – hopefully by my show this afternoon I will be awake, but I can’t really promise anything.