That’s What I’m Talking About
Joel’s second me-related Hijinks Ensue comic is up, in which I am some kind of zombie killing superhero. Me likey.
A Perfect Ending
I’m in SEA-TAC now waiting for my flight – it’s been an amazing couple of weeks though, and last night’s show was the perfect one to finish with. Triple Door’s a really swank venue, not a bad seat in the house, and of course the room was packed with that particular brand of hippie-geek you find in large groups out here in the Pacific Northwest (whassup Pax!?). I’m grateful for that sublimely strange and lucky moment when an actual human baby made a scary baby noise in the middle of Creepy Doll – that kind of theater doesn’t just happen, unless it just happens. And the lights – the lights!
Thanks to everyone who made this last round of shows so much fun. I’m going home to rest, beat back the inbox, and get ready for the next few shows as this year winds down. See you all soon…
Houston, Portland: Also Awesome
I don’t know what to say. The audiences just keep showing up and enjoying themselves – you’d think I would start to expect that, but I am still pleasantly surprised every time it happens. Lots of singing in the Houston audience, perhaps owing to the presence of some a cappella singers, plus all the pirates (pirates love to sing). And last night in Portland’s Mission Theater was just awesome – beautiful place, fun crowd, etc. This tour has been so consistently fun that it’s become incredibly boring to blog about. Sorry!
We’ve got a much needed night off tonight, and then we hit Triple Door in Seattle Sunday night – I hear the show is sold out already, so I expect it to be another night of enormous fun (for those of you who already bought tickets that is).
Houston Merch
Any of you industrious kids who want on the guest list tonight in exchange for working the merch table let me know. Halp!