Final Seattle Videos (Finally)

By JoCo June 10, 2008

Here is the dramatic conclusion of “From Behind a Beard,” the story of my trip to the Northwest last month (oops, I mean April). Here is episode 4, my second day in Seattle:

And here is episode 5, basically episode 1 in reverse:


Cambiata says

Not to detract from your lovely videos, JoCo, but I really wanted to say that I'm SO HAPPY that Cloakie's in round two of Song Fu, and I'm glad Quick Stop Entertainment recognized the unfairness of rewarding theft while rejecting originality. I can't wait to hear the songs for round 2. Also, woo that JoCo and Paul & Storm are the round two masters, so that I can hear another song from you all. Not that I have anything against Doc Hammer, his song was awesome, I just liked JoCo and Paul & Storm's songs better.

CupcakeAndTea says

you had to show the food you were eating HUH now i am hungry very very hungry for brains and tacos ^^

CupcakeAndTea says

btw the conversation with the cab driver in the second video was very funny and enjoyable ^^

Andrea says

@cambiata, I don't think I would call those parodies theft, because they didn't say "No parodies!" But it didn't seem quite cricket, did it? I think the judges made a good call.

Matt says

Yes! Please do these wherever you go.

Colleenky says

Hee-hee! Jamming to the car alarm at the burger place was fantastic! "It's nice to see that other people do that too. :-)Taxicab Confessions" was fun too.

Cambiata says

"Quite cricket", lol. Damn the British are cute.

SevinPackage says

Sweet! You guys went to the Dick's Drive-In on 45th! Whenever I go to Seattle, my wife always wants me to come back with a big ol' bag of Dick's. It's the best burger joint in Seattle - although their fries do lack 'zazz.

Seattle represent! \/\/00+!

Megs says

While I once saw a homeless guy return a donated bag of fries from Dick's becaust they were too greasy, I've gotta say they're the best fries on the planet. Dick's fries are what got me through colllege.

Thanks for posting the videos.

Rioexxo says

after watching this video blog... I have only one thought...
And your kitty wuvs you......
You put out ALL THAT EFFORT for a few fans ...
We love that about you...

Terisa says

Dick's SUCKS. Gotta be the worst food, of any kind, in Seattle. Jesus.

Wayne says

You make video composition look way too easy. Nice job. So, since I'm already buying the stroller that you have, what video camera is this? I was against getting one outside of my compact digital photo camera, but this seems to have a nice mix of portability and decent picture quality.

john d'arc says

What is with calling the fries "fry"?

Is that some hip term? Are you just asking for one?

john d'arc says

you guys all slept in the same room? to save money or something?

it appears there was a makeshift bed on the floor.

john d'arc says

you keep using electronic equipment when the plane is taking off and landing! you'll kill us all!

JoCo says

Wayne: it's a Flip, and I love it. John: I don't remember why we all stayed in that room, something where Paul thought he was going to be somewhere else...

Julie says

Next time you are in town, and want late night greasy food you should try out Beth's... home of the 12 egg omelet.

Chris Hartzog says

I'd say the next time you come to Seattle go to Burgermaster if you want good French Fries. Besides, you can eat in your car and listen to oldies rock and roll. And go to the one in Bothell (pronounced "Both el" and not "Bot Hell"):

Anne-Marie says

OMG, you were on the Daily Show on Wednesday! Squee!

Glenn Peters says

I liked the quick shot of the abbreviated play list:

Crush George alive! Ruined brains!

I also liked the ride home, and "hi cat". Which is usually what I say when I come home.

habitrailgirl says

I'm looking at buying a Flip, too, but I've read that you can't use the Muvee editing software on a Mac, which worries me. But if JoCo can piece together something as good as this, clearly it can be done somehow. If you read this, JoCo, can you please say what software you used to edit it? More FAQ-fodder.

habitrailgirl says

And I'm SO curious as to how you got all these shots. There's no way you were carrying the camera around in your hand, right? Had to be the Flip action mount or some kind of lanyard, right?

Hey, I would bother you with more pestiferous questions, but Joni Mitchell's "River" just came on, and I have to stop everything to listen. This coffee shop has a good DJ, apparently.

habitrailgirl says

And I'm SO curious as to how you got all these shots. There's no way you were carrying the camera around in your hand, right? Had to be the Flip action mount or some kind of lanyard, right?

Hey, I would bother you with more pestiferous questions, but Joni Mitchell's "River" just came on, and I have to stop everything to listen, because I'm so hard to handle, I'm selfish and I'm sad. This coffee shop has a good DJ, apparently.

habitrailgirl says

Shit. Sorry for double post. I can has preview button?

JoCo says

habitrailgirl: I edited on iMovie and all those shots are either holding it in my hand or walking around with it in my pants pocket.