The Glasgow Thing

By JoCo April 10, 2008

I’ve spoken here before in cagey mysterious ways about what brought me over to the UK to begin with that resulted in the London show. In case you missed it (because you don’t live in Scotland), it was for an appearance on Video Gaiden, a BBC Scotland show about gaming. Here is the entire special awards episode I was on. And if you grow weary of the brogue (and how could you? it’s awesome), here is just the part with me singing Still Alive after being introduce by a guy with a giant fake head. Will you check out the awesome Portal set they created? That cake is real…


Paul Cosgrove says
Kelly says

wow! the cake /wasn't/ a lie!

Scarybug says

I'm enjoying the rant about hype that comes on a bit after your song, too.

Colton David says

I still have my doubts about the cake....but the performance was amazing!

filkertom says

Lessee: Cool set? Check. Guy with big head? Check. You in great voice? Check. Cake? Check. You being referred to as "The one and only..."? Double check.


shine says

Did they let you eat the cake? Or was the promise of it some kind of evil fabrication?

Horsey says

off-topic: here is an article about Seahorses. i love jonathan's Seahorse song. That is all.

showells says

That wasn't a guy with a giant fake head. It was Frank Sidebottom.

Be careful, Jonathan: a man is judged by the company he keeps...

john d'arc says

Planescape Torment? how old are these games?

Encubed says

John D'Arc:

Over there, technology gets so much hate
Video games are about a year or two late
Don't make me go oooover there

Christophano says

That's true Encubed, we're still waiting for Rock Band!!!

JB says

Holy crap. You were introduced by Frank Sidebottom!
I didn't know he was still working - though reading his wikipedia page, it seems I'm just a clueless yank, and out of the loop.

Maybe I'll go home tonight and rip the FS vinyl I have.

Stormy says

That was many kinds of awesome. :)

Encubed says

Hahaha, I just got home from work and watched this. Looks like they spent most of the budget on flying JoCo over.

Also, for the first 30 seconds or so I thought they were talking funny on purpose, then realized it's their actual accent. *embarassed*

Trampas says

I also saw you on IFC! They played you just before "Waiting For Guffman". Pretty good company, if you ask me.

Can't wait for Minneapolis!!

rozwarren says

I loved watching this even though I have never heard of Frank Sidebottom and have no idea what Portal is.

Colton David says

No idea what Portal is!!!! It's a combination of well executed, pitch black humour (( Canadian U )) and very unique and compelling gameplay. And of course a song by our favourite JoCo =), but I'm sure you already knew that.

Marcy says

Well of course the cake is real....we know that! who actually ever believed it was a lie???

lovely singing, JoCo!!

CoderBlues says

Nice, although a bit strange. Good performance.

Syphro says


That Cake is Real.

Sounds like a new phrase like "this sh*t just got real" or "thats the real McCoy"

Lindsay says

Syphro, I was just going to say that. "That cake is real" sounds like an expression for something truly awesome. Pop culture should make it so.

Kerrin says

What do you mean fake head? That is Frank Sidebottom, his head is real!
He was a cult star from the 1980's...he doesn't look any older.

Rhydian says

Frank Sidebottom!! Introducing Jonathan Coulton!!!

This may be the best YouTube video ever.

Kristian Petterson says

I'm so pleased with this in so many different ways - the Scottish antics, the set, the performance, Frank Sidebottom.

Oh, if I tickled myself, I wouldn't be chuckling more!

Anyway, the performance, this website have been linked on my small and inconsequential blog, along with a widget to get a performance (via Eventful) in the Cumbrian fastness in which I reside (ha!).

Oh, and Frank Sidebottom is performing this summer at a festival not far from Kendal, UK - Kendal Calling ( so if you want to experience his truly mesmeric comedy, make your way there in early August 2008. Maybe JoCo could get on the bill as well, making at least two of my dreams come true in one fell swoop.

Ben Turner says

Just me getting the irony of Frank Sidebottom introducing "Still Alive" ?

Very very odd thing to watch - I'd stick clear of BBC Scotland for your next TV gig dude ! Not that English video game shows are much better...

JP says

Dude, I never get tired of hearing that song. :)

Roman V. says

It's times like this when I really miss my companion cube. :'(

Jorge says

I'm scarred for life by that artifical-headed person.


Paul says

Wow, that big-headed guy looks like one of my son's Fisher Price characters. Next year... dare we hope... JoCo plays Stonehenge?

Mark Gordon says

Playing a concert at Stonehenge? Or covering the Spinal Tap song?

eliannrad says

That was awesome! I think the mike should have picked up a little more guitar, but that's my personal opinion.

That cake DOES look delicious and moist!

Steve Dix says

Frank Sidebottom is still going? I was in a band with someone who was featured singing "Planet Earth" on one of his records.

Steve says

Glad you plugged the Videogaiden boys - they also do Consolevania ( Really enjoyed the performance and the set sold it to me even more!

There's plenty more Videogaiden goodness on the VG site too for those videogame-inclined - and their accents are hella cool :)

bonnie-ann black says

i'm of scottish and irish ancestory and i'm a huge fan of yours, jonathan. so it pains me to bring up the "brogue" issue but, as a bit of an obsession of mine, i feel i must. refering to Scots speech, it is a "burr". a "brogue" refers to Irish speech. however, neither is correct. Scots and Irish speak English -- with an "accent". Scots accent; Irish accent. A burr refers to the rolling "Rs" in Scottish accents; a "brogue" is a shoe and no kind of speech at all.

Contra says

Coulton? In my city of Glasgow. And I missed it...

But I love Video Gaiden at the best of times anyway...
So this was trully great....