New Song – Session 2

By JoCo November 8, 2007

UPDATE: Almost done I think. Bridge needs a little filling in, might have to redo some of the vocals after I let them sit a while. And of course there are countless tiny adjustments that only I (i.e., not even I) can hear. I’ve got to pack for Atlanta this afternoon and probably won’t get to work on this song anymore until Monday. In the meantime, if you missed them, here are videos of session 1 and session 2.

Today, the bass. Vocals too I hope. And something else probably. Broadcasting now right here.


Jarod says

Can't connect from work :(

Silly IT company ;)

Gina says

"Something rhymes with shelf"

shine says

I want to see the beige bear!

jesss says

I just posted the lyrics that I have so far on the forums, if anyone is interested

Luke M says

I like the intro guitar part especially

Naughty Indigo Monkey!

Kristen says

I've gotta say, it's a brave man who writes a song wherein the first word is "taupe."

Kimick says

Your wearing the same shirt i wore today!

I really like the intro

NMcCoy says

I really like it overall, awesome song. One thing bugging me about it a little right now - the very ending seems to be a bit weak for the energy level of the song. Maybe toss in a variant of the guitar riff you had at the end of the first verse? Basically it needs more of an "Ikea" ending.

Ian says

I would just like to announce my intention to have a ukulele cover of this done before the end of the weekend.

gle3nn says

Somehow you have got to work in the lyrics

Dear sleeping giant panda, pleasant dreams.

Susan the Geek says

Yes - a whole song about Pandas would not go amiss. I have this song's guitar parts stuck in my head already, and let my kids hear this one too. Keep up the damned clever work!

Janet says

Dammit, Mr. C! This catchy tune thing of yours has got to stop!!

The only thing that has stopped me from playing "Still Alive" at every opportunity has been this bear song, and THAT's in a loop that lasts 165 minutes. A hundred and sixty five ADDICTIVE minutes, I might add.


Rioexxo says

AWESOME NEW SONG!!! It's stuck in my head already! My 13yr old son likes it too. We laughed together, but i think I got the biggest laughs because I have 2 girls and I remember ALL that stuff!