Return to SL

By JoCo November 16, 2006

I’ll be back in the surfer haircut once again tonight. At 9:30 PM EST PopSci is hosting an event in SL to celebrate the opening of their new Future Lounge, which looks very styling I must say. I think I’m on at 10 PM, but there are other musicians and crazy virtual action going on as well. The first 100 people to get there will win some kind of gadget thingie – probably a death ray if I know PopSci. More details can be found here.


Spiff says

I'm in Second Life now, and it's a giant cluster f#@k. Everything's crashing, no one knows what's going on. Chaos!

Spiff says

When the chaos recedes, JC pulls it out though. Beautiful "Womb With A View". He's a true professional. :)

tagami says

where can I give some candy in second life? ;)

Aspera says

Tagami, didn't you see the caramel sundaes and other ice cream treats on the catering table?

I'm lucky I found out about this on the RSS feed when I did and got the Notice out to the JoCo fan club group. Hurrah for short notice. }}:D

If anyone wants a leadership role in the group, IM me Aspera Eponym in game

Andrea says

It was very fun once we got into the sim... and got in again after it crashed again after we all relogged... :D Ah, Second Life! NANCE Brody's set was also awesome, as usual. Thanks for the teleport, Aspera!

The gadgets were nice touches, but if PopSci really loved us we'd have gotten more notice.