Columbus Show

By JoCo November 10, 2006

Call off the dogs. Nice work internets – we’ve got a show set up at Little Brother’s at 7 PM on 12/1 in Columbus. I think this was Damon’s suggestion, so thanks Damon. Columbus: I will see you soon. I expect you to sing happy birthday to me…


M_pony says

Hmm, I could go to Columbus (7 hour drive) but I've got my Grad Stats final on the 4th, and dude do I ever stink at that course. Ugh.
Where are you off to after Columbus? Are you coming up any closer to my home and native land?

Scott "Ronald-san" Harrison says

Hey Spiff has done another world of warcraft Video for one of your songs.

"First of May"


Peter says

Cool! I couldn't think of decent venue around Cincinnati that would attract a more mainstream crowd, seat 100, and quiet enough to hear your funny lyrics. If you ever head back to Cincinnati, try and book the Southgate House (in Newport, KY across the river) in advance.

I did send an e-mail to Internet Radio Station (near Dayton) about an in-studio performance, I doubt anything will happen, but you never know (if you are interested).

I've heard good things about Little Brothers, I may have try and visit on 12/1. Do you typically play the same songs every night, would hitting Columbus and Dayton be worthwhile?

Aman says

Oh Baby Jeebus, this is going to be fun!

I'm going to print out your posters and put them up a few places around campus. I'll probably have to do it twice: once before the big game (did we tell you that people like football here?) and then afterwards, as long as the entire campus isn't reduced to a smouldering slag-heap because of the post-game riots (did we mention that people like to get drunk and set shit on fire here?).