
By JoCo October 5, 2006

I’ve gotten a couple of comments and emails about this, so I thought I’d clarify: tomorrow night (10/6) John and I will be at the Fitzgerald Theater in St. Paul for an event with Neal Pollack and a band called Poison Control Center. Now remember, this is a Hodgman centric thing, so you shouldn’t be expecting too much Coulton – I’m not so much a musical guest for the event as I am a musical guest for the Hodgman segment of the event. I honestly don’t know yet what we have planned. Which is not to say that you shouldn’t go, because it’s going to be a very enjoyable evening nonetheless. There will certainly be some kind of book signing table afterwards that I may be hanging around, so come up and find me if you’d like to make a purchase, say hello, or bring me some home baked chocolate chip cookies.


Mike Wills says

Dude! Stop in Mankato and I'll buy you a beer. I am about 1.5 hours southwest of Minneapolis/St. Paul.

Scott B says

I have to say I'm quite disappointed. I'd love to see you play a full set. I'd like to see you as Hoboman's musical guest. However, since I have no interest in the non-Hodgman/Hoboman half of the evening, I'm not going to be able to attend. You owe us a re-do. ;-)

Is there a possibility of getting my hands on a pair of authentic autographed TAW CDs some other way?

Tony says

Jonathan, you should just do a show in Mankato! That would be the greatest thing EVER.

Liz says

Aaah! I just checked the site and learned about this show now, at 10:18 PM...darn it!

I hope it went well, with the imprinted spirit of G.K. looking quizzically yet benificently down upon you, and I'm horribly sorry to have missed it! While it's my own fault for being too busy to be on the web and keep up with things (it's terrible when you have a week off work and can't surf the web 6 hours a day...) I, too, hope you can make it back sometime for a Coulton-centric show. Heck, I'd be happy to drive to Mankato for it, if necessary, although there are plenty of nice places in Minneapolis too.

Blake Himsl Hunter says

Hey Jonathan!
The show was great! My wife and I love how you signed the CD's and thought the "Spring" song was aewsome. Neal Pollack is one of my favorite authors, so seeing all of you guys together was a lot of fun for me.

James says

Would have loved to have come as I'm from Minneapolis, but alas I was in Jersey working on computers. Maybe next time you swing through.

Dana says

It was a hilarious show... Plus I loved your very furry hat.
If you liked MN you should come back and play a real set at the Whole Music Club!!

Mike says

Jonathan Coulton Live = Awesome! I have to agree with everyone who says you should come back for a full show.

I'm still trying to figure out who's the straight man in the Hodgman-Coulton duo.